The Liberty Tree

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News & Views, Project Archives::: a first stop for unfolding stories, timely events & discourse on Rights-&-Land… and a gallery of public-interest writings and scholarly projects in the commonwealth.


Public Petition on USFS ‘Group Use’ Rules (June 2021)
The latest version (v.7a) in an illustrious series of citizen petitions on ‘the Regs’, with an explanation on its current relevance, and instructions on handling signed originals.
Hot News & Notices… share info & updates on current events and new actions.
SOAPBOX FORUM —         (…in construction)
Free Speech On-line… interactive discourse, ideas & research – a seminar/blog scene to share info and pool knowledge, a thoughtful moderated forum, no fluff or puffery (…when it gets going).
Free-Ass Rants & Tomes
Scottie’s news-crits & commentaries on a range of issues, as rude as needed.
EarthWorks & Ecosophics
Ideas in epochs of S. Addison’s rare tough career… archived here— project docs in environmental planning, urban design & community development. This library is a work in-progress…