Wirtshafter Case Dismissed, 25 Jan.’08

A Report from the Defendant

Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 15:32:29 -0600
From: “Don E Wirtshafter” <don@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sender: wirtshafter@xxxxxxxx
To: “scottie a.” <xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Three Questions
Cc: John <xxxxxxxx>, “Tony Nenninger” <xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    “Don Wirtshafter” <xxxxxxxxxx>
X-Google-Sender-Auth: 5a57fc8b3879e033

I am pleased to report that the US Attorney has decided to dismiss my case with prejudice.  The lab chemist agrees that the evidence cannot be proven to be marijuana.

A small victory.

Thanks for your encouragement.

Now we can concentrate on helping Tony, Summer and such.

Scottie, I will still need that brief before June 2008 so as to be ready to defend the next person so stopped.

I hate to do it, but I have to join the Wyoming bar.  Their federal court is not an open court and I must be a local bar member to participate.  The cost is over $500.  Sucks.

I an on the road this month and I just broke my computer.  This message was typed on.my cell phone so I appologize for its brievity.

Don E Wirthafter


Guysville, OH 45735
