Group Use Regs – “A LEGAL & LAND USE REVIEW” (December 1993)

The formal policy analysis presented by ‘PCU’ in December 1993: “Group Use Rules for National Forest Lands – A LEGAL & LAND USE REVIEW” …..  developed by S. Addison in collaboration with the implacable, erascible William Thomas of Peace Park, 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    Following upon the organizing and lobbies in Washington in July-August 1993, this interdisciplinary critique challenged the new USFS ‘special use’ regulations on “Noncommercial Group Events” — as proposed in the Federal Register of May 6, 1993 to amend 36 CFR Parts 251, 261.  (Federal Register, 58:86, p. 26940)

This was a campaign unto itself, making a definitive, compelling appeal to policymakers.  It created a stir, and some real credibility for the opposition to this rulemaking… it helped hold off enactment of the rules for almost 2 years.  Conveyance letters to the White House, USDA, and Congress are [to be] included below, for the record.

There was plenty of controversy over this project as well, with rumors flying around the country that the crew in DC was “representing the Rainbow Family” with these writings to officials.  However it only went out under the letterhead of ‘PCU’, as an advocate association such as any citizens may form – and this morphed into ‘PCU_/Free Assembly Project’ the following year.

Understand that the title is true… this was a rigorous scholarly analysis of emergent Federal policies on public lands and fundamental rights, melding environmental and constitutional critiques.  It is significant that it made a strong record while the administrative rulemaking was still in-progress, before it became law — and that it foresaw the issues and foretold all the bad consequences & controversies that would unfold over the next 20 years.

Here is a ‘PDF’ rendering of the original, close in layout to the long version that went out:
{This link is correct but unconnected, for now… use Attachment link below…}—->


People for Compassion and Understanding
Washington, DC – December 1993

~ S. Addison & W. Thomas
(26 pp. total, 192 kb)

[To come…

– Scan of the original final page, with signatures of Volunteers
– Conveyance letters to the Forest Service, White House, and 6 Congressional Committees.
*  Note:  Old documents must be converted from old computer apps… in-progress.
