FOIA Moves in New Mexico

2 FOIA Requests to the Forest Service, on the signed Permit and the Delegation of Authority… and 1 to the Sandoval County Sheriff, tracking Rainbow detainees — the queries, correspondence, and disclosures to date.

Contents of this Page:

I.  The Permit Signing
II.  The Delegation of Authority

FS FOIA Disclosures

FS FOIA Correspondence

FS FOIA Appeals

III.  FOIA Request to Sandoval County Sheriff


PCU_/Free Assembly Project launched 2 Requests for documents under the Freedom of Information Act, sent to the Supervisor of Santa Fe National Forest as the 2009 Rainbow Gathering got underway:

• FOIA-I re: Permits, to SNFS Supervisor ~ 17 June 2009  sfnf-foia-i_permit-09617
• FOIA-II re: Delegation of Authority, ‘Incident’ ~ 24 June 2009   sfnf-foia-ii_delegation-09625

These are strategic moves for disclosure on the permit process and governance of the gathering, crafted to be narrow and precise, and to set up good positions.
There is also an intrinsic legal interest in a FOIA Request – to GET disclosure – and this motive converges with the need of gatherers for transparency on these matters.

Both Requests went principally to Santa Fe National Forest, because the ‘Rainbow Gathering’ was taking place within that jurisdiction.  However it was anticipated that they would be kicked ‘upstairs’ to the USFS Southwest Regional office in Albuquerque, because this is their standard FOIA procedure – and certain documents would logically come from there.  Both called for “expedited Response” because these facts were relevant to immediate legal interests of citizens in 1st Amendment exercise.

I.  The Permit Signing:

Shortly after the site was consensed by Spring Council, around 6/11, founding gatherer Garrick Beck submitted an application for ‘alternative’ authorization of the Gathering – relying on an ‘Operating Plan’ without a signed permit (the so-called ‘accommodation’ which former USDA Undersecretary Mark Rey had allowed).  However in a few days word came down from the FS that this application had been DENIED, and another signed by an unknown 3rd party had been APPROVED.

It is defining that Gathering participants had not seen the Noncommercial Group Use (‘NGU’) permit that took effect:  Despite the fact that they allegedly comprised the Group “Holder”, and were represented by the signers on its behalf, neither the supposed Group party nor its legal agents were known or even publicly named.  The deal was made by somebody somewhere else, binding everyone to its terms and liabilities, defrauding personal rights.  The Forest Service even takes the position that NGU permit signers may be kept confidential and concealed under the Privacy Act.

The 6/17 Request asked for the approved NGU Permit… other applications that had been submitted and denied… personal correspondences on this matter with NFS officials in New Mexico and the Regional office over the past year… and related memos & directives within the agency.    [FS FOIA #338]

II.  The Delegation of Authority:

The Gathering in New Mexico was NOT administered by the U.S. Forest Service:  Like ‘Rainbow’ events in the past, there was a “Delegation of Authority” from the Forest Supervisor to an “Incident Commander”, a U.S. Special Agent in charge of the “National Incident Management Team”.  It may include personnel from the Forest Service and various other agencies, but it is mainly a Federal law enforcement operation – in short, cops taking over policy powers in the National Forest.

The question then:  How was this Rainbow Gathering deemed to be an “Incident” requiring a Delegation of Authority to Federal police agencies, and on what factual and legal grounds was such a determination made?  It is significant that this public assembly has been singled out in this manner – or that there may be a broader Federal policy subjecting First Amendment exercise to an ‘Incident Command’ regime.

The 6/24 Request asked for a copy of the signed Delegation of Authority in Santa Fe National Forest… documents identifying member agencies, their representatives and missions on the ‘NIMT’… prior findings by USFS officials in New Mexico or the Southwest Region – or directives received from DC – mandating the transfer of powers for this event… and the legal authorities for such action.    [FS FOIA #516]

FS FOIA Disclosures:

    — via email, 25jn09:

* FSM Ch. 2720: Special Uses Administration (12/28/07)
(*A general Special Use directive, amending the Forest Service Manual, not relevant or responsive to the FOIA Request.)

    — via email, 26jn09:

Rainbow ’09 ‘Special Use Permit’
The Group Use Permit enacted on 6/17/09, posted on-line by the FS and provided as a direct link, with signatures and addresses redacted.  [#338]

    — conveyed in-person at USFS Region 3, Albuquerque, 2jy09:

Rainbow ’09 “Operating Plan”
Operating Plan for the “2009 Rainbow Family Gathering”, Exhibit B, as made part of permit CUB 310009.    [#338]

SFNF Categorical Exclusion Project Record, 23jn09
FS worksheet on projected impacts per NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act), establishing that impacts were not ‘significant’ and the Gathering would be “categorically excluded” from extensive environmental review.  This is a new contingency on the permit process… the final NGU rule publication (8/30/95) assured that ALL gatherings were exempt from NEPA review, so this bodes ill for the future.

Traffic Flow Map, Rainbow Gathering Site
Map appended to the Operating Plan, showing 1-way traffic pattern imposed during the Gathering.

FS Memo re: Beck Call, 5/29/09
An ‘update’ memo to FS staff from Deputy Supervisor Erin Connelly, concerning a conference call with Garrick Beck:  “Subject:  FS Meeting with Rainbow Family re: Op Plan_Permit”

SFNF Delegation of Authority, 6/14/09
The Delegation of Authority for the Rainbow Gathering in Santa Fe N.F., signed by Deputy Supervisor Erin Connelly

    — conveyed as hard-copy by mail, received 4au09:

Responsive Records, FOIA #338 –
7/30/09 – rec’d via email as composite PDF (encrypted, could not open display on-line)
8/4/09 – rec’d via postal mail as hard copy, 52 page.

pp.   Doc-Date– Summary
338-RespRecords_a.pdf    (22 pp.)    960 kb

1-2    corr_FS-Beck_DenyApp-09613
Erin Connelly, Dep. Forest Supervisor, letter denying Beck application
and refusing ‘No-Permit Accommodation’ for NM Gathering.

3-7    Beck_nguAppPkg-09611
Garrick Beck’s ‘Group Use’ permit application, dated 11 June 2009, with Attachments:
•  Mark Rey letter re: 2008 Gathering in Wyoming, 5/28/08.
•  Rey re: “Forest Service’s approach to the 2007 Gathering”, 5/4/07.

8-11   Law_nguApp-Pmt_1-09613
First application & permit signed by Lisa Law, and granted by Erin Connelly,
on 13 June 2009.

13-16  Law_nguApp-Pmt_2-09617
Second application & permit signed by Lisa Law and Lindsey Dearborn, and
granted by Connelly on 17 June 2009 — superceding the permit approved on 6/13.

17-22  OpPlan-09RFGthg_ExhB-09623
Operating Plan, 2009 Rainbow Family Gathering – Exhibit B, as made part of
permit CUB310009, dated 6/23/09.

338-RespRecords_b.pdf    (15 pp.)    544 kb

1-3     corr_gBeck-Newman-09429
Beck email to Corbin Newman (Regional Forester) re: “alternative manner”
of permit compliance, 4/29/09… forwarded w/ message from R. Markley,
Gila N.F. Supervisor, 5/5/09.

4-5    corr_Newman-Beck-09601
Corbin Newman in reply re:  permit process, law enforcement role, 6/1/09.

6-7    corr_Dearborn-Newman-fwd-09608
Lindsey Dearborn email offering to sign a permit… appended to Corbin Newman’s reply of thanks and instructions, 6/8/09.

8-9    corr_Kline-Newman-09608
Jeff Kline email to Newman re: 3 women willing to sign the permit, language
change in FS letter, 6/8/09… appended to Newman email to USFS staff, 6/10/09.

10    corr_noname1-Newman- 09608
Email from Unknown Party#1 (name redacted) to Corbin Newman, offering to
sign the permit, 6/8/09… apparently an amended original email from Lindsey
Dearborn (see pp. 6-7), with similar language, sent later the same day.

11    corr_noname2-Newman- 09609
Email from Unknown Party#2, a “New Mexico based singer-songwriter” (name
redacted) to Corbin Newman, offering to sign the permit, 6/9/09.

12-13  corr_Newman-Beck-09609
Corbin Newman to Beck, superceding 6/1/09 letter, re: permit, operating plan,
the “Rainbow Family”, law enforcement role.  On the permit “required by law”,
the new language from Kline:  “…since we have already identified more than one
person willing to sign,
we are planning for the 2009 National Rainbow Family
Gathering to be a legally permitted event.”  (Emphasis added.)

14    corr_noname3-Newman-09609
Email from Unknown Party#4, a male “internationally recognized Artist” (name
redacted), offering to sign a permit for the Gathering, 6/9/09.

15    corr_noname4-Newman-09610
Email from Unknown Party #3 (name redacted) to Corbin Newman — apparently
a 3rd offer by Lindsey Dearborn to sign, 6/10/09… “[a]ssuming that by signing,
the signer is neither personally responsible for, nor liable for, the actions of
any other individual/s at the event.”

338-RespRecords_c.pdf    (15 pp.)    560 kb

1-6    corr_Beck-Newman-site-08828
Garrick Beck sends “Rainbow Site Criteria” to C. Newman and other USFS officials,
cc: Jeff Kline, 8/28/08… appended note from Kline confirms plans for meeting
on “Wednesday, September 3rd [2008] …at the Regional Foresters Office in

7-8    corr_Beck-Newman-mtg-08905
Exchange of emails between Garrick Beck and Corbin Newman, in followup
to September 3 meeting, noting the “good start” on cooperation for the
next Gathering, 9/5/08.

9-15   corr_Beck-Newman-rpt-08929
Beck to Newman, confirming the next meeting on October 1st [2008] at the
Supervisor’s office in Santa Fe, and transmitting a report on the September 3
meeting, 9/29/09.


FS FOIA Correspondence:                 [[25jn09 – 11au09, complete]]
(page opens in new tab)

The ‘FOIA-admin’ record to-date… leaving out incidental emails,
these are the main items of notice & crossfire, in time-sequence:
     ~ Emails are converted to ‘HTML’ format for browsers,
     ~ FS letters are attached in MSWord ‘DOC’ format or ‘PDF’ as received,
             and ‘PCU_FAP’ letters are in concise ‘PDF’ format.

FS FOIA Appeals:

Based on failures of timely and full disclosure on each of the above Requests, formal FOIA Appeals have been filed, pursuant to 5 USC 552(a)(6).  This section of the Act provides for administrative review of FOIA decisions and denials — which the Forest Service conducts under the Office of the Chief, in Washington DC.
On 14 September 2009, both Appeal letters (#338 and #516) went out in a big printed package, including all response docs and correspondence as required; they were also sent by email the same day, referencing the full record on-line.  Here are direct links to the two letters of Appeal and supporting Index as filed, downloadable in PDF format:

FOIA-I Appeal, #338 – 12sep09   (filed 9/14)

FOIA-II Appeal, #516 – 12sep09  (  ”  )

INDEX of Attachments, FOIA #338+#516 Docs

When the final determinations are made on these Appeals and the outcomes are known, this further information will be provided here.

III.  FOIA Request to Sandoval County Sheriff

This FOIA Request was faxed to the Sandoval County Sheriff Dept. on  7 July, 2009:

The purpose was to track records of Gathering-related vehicle stops and detainees — who were taken to Sandoval County jail on standing agreements with he Forest Service — and immediately to determine if any more ‘Rainbows’ were held at that time.

It was presented under FOIA (federal law), and not under the New Mexico Public Records law, because all the actions in question were conducted under the direction of federal law enforcement officials, in conjunction with the ‘Incident Command’ regime.

Reportedly an allied attorney in Albuquerque got a call a few days later, assuring that no more ‘Rainbows’ were held in Bernalillo.  However we have received no further information from the Sheriff’s office, and recent calls have not been returned.  (sca-12au09)


